Friday, November 6, 2009



It's kind of humorous how little I did in school today.

Advisory sort of got canceled because Marylyn and Nate the teacher were out sick, so pretty much anyone who isn't a senior just chilled in the common room. This meant all the rest of us ended up out there as well.

Ecology didn't happen because Nate the teacher wasn't there, so me and Jade talked. She's awesome!! :)

Public Policy was a work day for our research papers. Flora was hoping to have an 8+ page paper by the end of the month, but she shortened it down to 4+ because she's merciful. :P So the three of us in the class who have laptops chilled in the common room (again) and pretended to do work.

During my free block I thought I was going to catch up on the Nature Writing reading I've missed, but all the marine bio kids (including Jenna, Cam, Zeb, and various other kids from Flora's class) were still congregated on all the lovely couches, so we talked some more. I'm pretty sure I stayed in the common room almost all day. haha

At this point I was so hyper that I was literally jumping around the room, spinning on the wheeled footrests, even imagining the Gatorade and the Mountain Dew bottles going on a gondola date and then wondering what their baby would look like out loud. Christine said "I've never seen this side of you, Sara."

I think it was because I hadn't done anything the entire day.

I love Jenna, she has such a great smile! We talked about pets, and how mom decided we're going to drive two hours down to Massachusetts to get some puppies and two hours back instead of just going to the Kennebunk Animal Shelter, but that's okay because we're gonna have dogs again!!! Sophie passed away two years ago, and Dede lived about a year longer. I can't believe we survived being dog-less for so long!

Then we should've had ASL. We haven't had class in almost two weeks. Roland was sick again, so me and Will watched this stand-up comedian on youtube. He's hilarious, if you get used to this weird voice thing he does. <3

That was the first one we watched. I also highly recommend circumcision and escalators. :) All of them are really funny, though. Hot pockets...Jesus...bahaha

And that's what I did at school. Talked, talked, talked, and watched youtube videos.

After school I actually did stuff that doesn't really matter in any way to counteract my less-than-productive school day.

With much love,


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