Saturday, November 14, 2009

oh my God! :)

We just got back frmo Massachusetts with two new puppies!!!!


Mom's is a female cavachon and mine's a male morkie. :) :) :) I really want to name him Oliver or Jack, but I've heard that dog's better understand two syllable names, so I think I'm siding towards Lupin. He reminded me of the one from Harry Potter. When he's sitting on your lap (he's 2.3 pounds) he was quiet and mellow, but on the floor he was running around like a madman. It was as if he was the lovable, bookwormy Lupin and then the hyperactive, werewolf Lupin. Plus we got lost several times on the way to the kennel, we were going in loops. haha

Sorry I was a party pooper yesterday, I really need to catch up on homework and I knew I wasn't going to get anything done today because of the dogs. It was worth the trip, though. :)

Tomorrow I'll have to isolate myself in order to do more homework. Why do I procrastinate? It never turns out how I imagine it might.

I said something really stupid a few minutes ago. Mom asked where Rosie went and I said "She went ranning."

:/ That's what long car rides do to my sanity, I guess.



ps mine doesn't stop humping mom's dog. Mom said "I think that's all they do their whole life". haha

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