Thursday, November 5, 2009

The Election 2009

If only I was one year older...

Obviously I was frustrated at the outcome of question 1. I just wanted my home to actually be "the way life should be." I wish that if I ever do marry it wouldn't matter if he's a boy or if she's a girl. I'm all about rights for humans and animals, I think it's only fair that we end this modern segregation that civil unions have created. Some congressmen may believe differently, but civil unions will never be equal to marriage. What year is this anyway, the 1800s? It's the 21st-century, we deserve equal rights for all.

But the majority of people who will read this are in the same boat (opinion-wise).

I'm happy with the result of question 2. There were lots of loopholes, it kind of relates to cash for clunkers, where there were actually people who got ripped-off. Some people traded in their old cars for new ones that got less gas-mileage than their former car. But in general cash for clunkers seems to be working well, but this new excise tax law wasn't my cup of tea.

I'm saddened by the consolidation results. I wish everything wasn't about money, because that's exactly what this was. Some schools are saving money, but Arundel had to pay roughly $300,000 in order to get the benefits of the consolidation, which was about $50,000. After all the trouble of firing faculty and transitioning from SAD to RSU, they lost a bunch of money. Plus, their little school with all the familiar kids will never be the same. I wish we could go back to SADs, but I can't do anything about it.

Tabor is way too hard to explain.

At least medical marijuana passed. I have no right to deny patients the medicine they need. Before the election marijuana was legal, but sick people who had a doctor's prescription had to grow their own plants. They can have up to six plants, but only three can be flowering at a time. To people who are so sick, or to those who don't have enough of a green thumb, that they can't grow plants, they have no way of getting their medicine. If this will help people I'm all for it. I do think that some regulations will need to be tightened, we don't want a repeat of California, where they have too many dispensaries (those vending machines) that they can't keep track of who's getting what. At least now we're not being hypocrites.

I'm such a liberal. :P

I'm happy about question 6 as well. I want to make sure our roads are safe, so even though it's gonna be a lot of money we get some benefits. I'm just one of those people who will most likely always vote yes on these types of bond questions.

I had no idea people were so opinionated about question 7. Currently officials have 5 days to verify +55,000 signatures. Pushing their deadline to 10 days didn't seem like such a bad idea, but I guess I was wrong. It has nothing to do with the time it actually takes to get the signatures, which I believe some people may have been confused about, but I don't care that much. I'm not one of those officials that'll be scrambling to see if Dustin McKnockers is a real person.

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