Saturday, December 12, 2009


School on Friday was awesome, I had lots of fun and learned some stuffs.

In Food class we tasted sugar water and then soda and juice and vitamin water, and we were all laughing about how confusing the set up was and being hyper. It was a blast.

In Public Policy we're still talking about the health care bill, and I worked on a mini presentation for the class. I felt pretty good when I found two different maps that could show the correlation to red/blue states and the percentage of population in a state that is uninsured. I felt productive, a rare event for me.

During lunch me, Gordy, and Noah were talking about video game theme songs, and Gordy said his all time favorite song was from a game called Duck Tales, and he played this dainty little tune that had us all in tears. It was so funny. :)

In Robotics I was paired up with two of my favorite TNS students, Cody and Landon. We decided they were going to wear kilts at the Robotics competition, and we learned Ross (the teacher) is all for it. I'm so excited! I've heard the couple months in between kick-off (when the teams find out what the game for the competition will be) and the competition are wicked intense. They sometimes have sleepovers at the school and get almost no sleep so they can finish the robot in time.

Something that made me smile was when Will was describing the party that they have every year, and he couldn't stop talking about all the activities. Josh then said "He doesn't even mention the socializing aspect," (that's a big word for Josh haha) and Ross said "Alright, I'll give you the jist of it. Basically it's all ugly, nerdy guys, and for some reason only attractive girls join Robotics--" Rhiannon cut him off with a "Whoo!" and Gordy said "Amen to that!" haha

We didn't have ASL because Roland was sick, so me and Will crashed the World Religions class because we noticed the oreos on the table. We took a "quiz"on Judaism that almost everyone failed, because no one brought their notes to class that they were able to use on it. Harry, the Jewish kid, got a couple wrong. I don't quite understand how that's possible, James would totally school this kid. :P I got the one about the Torrah and Kabbalah right, Gordy (who's in the class) was trying to copy off me and Will, forgetting that we don't even take World Religions. haha afterwards we ate cookies and everyone else got to try this traditional Jewish food that Jade made (I couldn't, it wasn't gluten-free :[ )

Harry lit the Menorah and taught us how to play with a dradle. It's like gambling. I totally kicked their butooties in the first game! It was fun. I had a great day at school. But then afterwards...

Every year we have s girl scout Christmas party. I despise them. I don't particularly like large crowds of people who all know each other and don't try to include me at all. I hate how immature the girls are with their petty problems and ignorant points of view. But something I really dislike is the conventionalism.

We were upstairs in a bedroom hiding from Mike (because they still think hiding from their guests is funny) and one girl said "Oh my God guys let me show you the freaky-est video ever," and goes on youtube to type in "bad romance". It starts to play, and I accidentally said "I love this video!".

This was such a poor decision.

This girl continues to berate the video, harass Lady GaGa and attack my point of view. (which remarks like "This is so weird!", "She's permanently messed up," and "How can you like this, Sara??")

Lady GaGa is one of my idols. She's artistic, beautiful, and different. I feel like I can relate to her, because she's said that she didn't fit in during her high school years, and I felt the same way when I was at my old school.

Then this girl plays Single Ladies, one of my least favorite songs, and begins to praise how gorgeous Beyonce is, and how amazing the choreography is.

I cried last night for an hour.

I haven't cried for months, besides when I was reading or watching a movie.

I really don't know many people who are bad. I feel like this girl can change, but it's going to take a long time and a lot of hurt.

Later in the night this girl was getting a phone call from a boy she was leading on but didn't like. After she rejected him heartlessly in a horribly short phone call (she was gone for about twenty seconds) she said "Rejecting guys is like a sport now, I'm so good at it!"

She also told us all the guys her best friend has slept with, including two others that "no one knows, so don't tell anybody."

I left the party early with dad, we both hate these kind of social obligations. I started crying when I got home. Fortunately we had some vegan, gluten-free leftover pizza and a Seinfeld to make me feel better. Dad helped me a lot, too.

I'm sorry I've been busy so much lately. I've put more of a priority into learning this year, and this research paper is taking a lot out of me. I'm really sorry if I've hurt any of you guys, because lately I've felt like a huge jerk, but it's very hard for me to do a good job learning unless I isolate myself from things I want to do, like hang out with the people I love. I want you to know that every time I say "Sorry I can't come, I'm exhausted" or "I really wish I could be there", I mean it, and I miss you sooo much, but I have to stick to my guns. I get tired earlier, because I put more effort into things in my life that never used to be there, like going to the gym, taking care of/house-breaking the puppies, cleaning and volunteering with TNS, and trying to spend more time with my parents.

I want to make sure my parents know I love them. They do so much for me, have made so many sacrifices, that I feel obligated to take time out of my day to tell them about my life more than I have in the past. We now have dinner together every night and occasionally play a board game together. Seeing my parents not arguing with each other is a wonderful feeling, I really appreciate everything they're doing.

Sorry this was partly depressing, I try not spread this type of emotion, because you guys certainly don't deserve to be around it, but my experience last night really made me feel so thankful to have friends like you guys that I had to tell you. Thanks for everything, you really mean a lot to me.

I'm typing on a psychic's computer. Mom's having a reading, which has gone way into my session, but that's a good thing. It gave me time to write. :) It sounds like it's wrapping up...We're going xmas shopping after we're done here. Jessie and co. are coming in a couple weeks!!!

Happy Hanukkah, James! Love you guys!



  1. i wuv you sara!

    haha sounds like good times at TNS, i like how you took a quiz on judaism in a class you dont take... xD

    those girls sound gross. dont give them a single second of your lovely thoughts.
    they're not even worth a curly strand of your red hair. <3

    i'm really glad you've found a way to balance your family and school life, but we all really miss you! i never realized how hard it is to synchronize scheduels when your friend goes to a different school... we'll just have to keep trying... we WILL hang out!!!! i promise!

    even if i have to sneak into your room under cover of darkness, or communicate with smoke signals, we will get in touch :3

  2. Ethan, you make my life sooo much better.

    Thank you!!! that makes me feel a lot happier. :)

    and YES we must hang out! it is really hard when our school hours are so different :/

    please do <3 luv you!
