Monday, December 7, 2009

Session dos funnies

New session, new classes.

Oh my Gooooood

My first block was "Food Wonderful Food", taught by Marylyn.

I was laughing for a good 3/4 of the class, which was not a good thing Everything was just so funny, plus I couldn't take Marylyn seriously after she said "Remember, garbage doesn't go in the trash."

She's nuts, and I love her, but I felt guilty that I was laughing so much. I found a fly's wing connected to his abdomen and started pushing it around the table with my pencil, then Nick gave me an intact, dead fly and we started playing with them, all while Marylyn was reading "a page" from Animal, Vegetable, Miracle by Barbara Kingsolver (she ended up reading the entire chapter).

Then Marylyn asked us what we thought of when she said the word "food", and to her surprise the only things we thought of were various types of food. She was shocked at how little imagination we had, but what were we supposed to think? It was the first block of the day, on a Monday! What could she expect?

Tomorrow I think I might try the Odysseys class instead, because I felt bad at how much my end of the table was laughing during our food class. We made some goodies at the end, though, that was oodles of fun. I love cooking, especially when there's no meat involved. :)

Then Public Policy, I'm so glad that class is continuing! We talked about the health care bill, and watched C-Span for a little while (live broadcasts of the House and Senate related stuffs). One Republican form Wyoming just could not stop saying the phrase "fraud and abuse". He must have said it at least twenty times in the couple minutes he was talking.

Lunch was hilarious! Too bad Gordy had to leave to go to court. :( We were talking about weird/hilarious names, I happened to mention the member of Travis's Mormon church named Dick Eaton. Then Rhiannon was talking about a dog named "Stay", and how all the commands contradicted themselves. "Come here, Stay!" Noah then said to name your dog "Stain" so you could say "Come, Stain!" whenever you wanted to. haha it was great :) was just me and Landon (plus the teacher). It wasn't exactly what I was looking for, but I'm kind of obligated to continue with it since there are so few kids. If I bail, that means Landon'll probably have to as well. Regardless, I'm going to check out creative writing on Thursday. The class is huge, it's got ten kids, and only two of them are girls. (That's absolutely massive for our school. haha)

Solutions was just nap time, since we didn't have any cases and I did the work a few weeks ago. After I woke up, we saw this guy wearing a kilt and biking with a Burly Rou (I don't know what else to call it, those bike attachments kids ride in) with a lady behind him doing the same thing. It was so epic, then Landon told Zeb to chase after him on his longboard and ask him why he's wearing a kilt. Zeb said "I will if someone else does!", and we got all excited before Christine and Nathan interjected their views on how mean that would be. Zeb continued to dig a hole by saying "We were just going to welcome him into the school. 'Hey, you're a freak, just like us!' "

I'm looking forward to tomorrow, I asked Ross if I could join the Robotics team (which happens during my free block), and even though Landon's told me repeatedly that he wishes to switch out because they never get anything done, I'd rather be in the class goofing off than goofing off by myself. Plus they got the $5,000 grant, so they're allowed to go to the Regional Robotics Competition. They just gotta raise money for room and board and they'll be golden...and they quite possibly might have to build a robot. I don't know if they're allowed to use the one from last year...

During Committee time, Connor asked us if we would be offended if we celebrated Christmas at the school. Haley said "Yeah, I'm a Gebovah...what are those people called?"

Rhiannon: A Jehovah's Witness?
Haley: Yeah, I'm a Joho, and I'd be offended if we celebrated Christmas!
Connor: Do you know any religions that would be offended?
Haley: Uh, Christian-ism? Beats the hell out of me!
Rhiannon: Of course she picks the only religion that--wait did she just say Christian-ism?
Connor: We're so ignorant.
Cody: This really doesn't surprise me.

Ahh, the holidays are so close. Hugs and kisses everyone! Love you guys. :)


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