Monday, December 21, 2009

Wicked pumped!! :)

Last week the teachers came to us during committee time asking if we could find a solution (hence our name) to a problem. They knew most kids wouldn't be coming to school on the last day before vacation and were wondering if we could think of a way to motivate kids to come.

As Solutions, we decided that tomorrow we'd have a half day, party a little, then play laser tag.

Having power = Win

I'm pumped, AND tomorrow morning Jessie and co. arrive in Maine! I'm so excited to see her!!! And of course my wonderful brother-in-law and nieces. :) :) :)

Jessie has laryngitis right now. Regardless, I talked to her more today than I have in a loooong time.

Today I realized something when I was sleeping on the couch (there's one that's horrible for sitting but purely excellent for sleeping). Chris, the new junior, and Rhiannon are similar. They're both very flirtatious people, and when they hold you everything fits together, even in the spaces between fingers.

I kinda wish Rhiannon wouldn't be, though. :/ haha but good for her, it's some kind of born talent, I guess, to make anyone feel comfortable just by touching them.

It's so wicked cooool, but I kinda wonder if it would work for her if her prey was taller than 5' 2". Those charts we used in middle school lied, it said I'd grow to at least 5' 5". Oh well, being short is awesome. You can always get kid's menus at restaurants, and we all know that's where the good stuff is anyway.

I...didn't get enough sleep last night. It's the Monday Syndrome, where everything throughout the day is funny because you're hysterical and nothing makes sense. Hopefully I'll be normal tomorrow, I'll need energy for running away from the merciless, laser tagging boys of TNS.

Oh God I'm in trouble! How did I not see it before? I'm so screwed. I'll hit someone, apologize, get shot, and just hide behind the employees only door until the coast is clear. Then I'll still get shot.

But that's okay because it's gonna be a blast! For the yankee swap I got one of those bank pens, you know the kind that have the chain attached? Because it's so annoying when someone's swiped the really where could it have gone? It's on a frickin' chain!

We finished The Botany of Desire in food class. It's wicked good! I highly recommend you guys go see it. :) In Public Policy we started the movie Thank You For Smoking. It's really interesting. In Creative Writing my group taught the class about character and devised a fun activity to do, I have no idea how we took up the whole block.

As you can see, the teachers have given up teaching for the week. haha

I gots to go make cookies for da cookie swap. They shall be vegan, gluten-free, and have a subtle hint of banana.

Sleep is needed. Please and thank you. :)

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