Saturday, August 29, 2009

Just read the monumental poop story

I had such a good day, which made up for the disappointing people to people sleepover reunion.
I thought I wasn't going to see anybody after I left Kelsey's house this morning because we got about 4 and a half hours of sleep and I believed this would make me crabby, but SURPRISE SURPRISE. Caitlin texted me proposing an all day Harry Potter movie marathon and I couldn't resist.

We only got through the first two ones because we left for a few hours to get sewing materials for the wonderful birthday gift Alienor (<3) got for me. :)

The p2p reunion didn't live up to any great expectations, but there was a couple moments where I was having fun. An example would now be one of the best poop stories in my arsenal.

Note: don't read if you're eating.

Travis and Jim were climbing a tree, and after they were about 80 feet up they decided to just chill for a while before Jim suddenly rushed down. Travis followed suit. Once Jim was on the porch he asked Kelsey where her bathroom was. After he had been gone for almost 10 minutes Travis told us he said "Trav, I gotta go poop."

Travis: He is going to work in there!
Troy: Well now it's going to be really awkward when he comes out.

Then Jim entered the porch. With a plunger. "Where can I leave this to dry?"

I can't remember the last time I thought something was so disgusting and so perfect at the same time.

"I ate 20 wings last night, at least I cleaned up...Sorry I just made things incredibly awkward for everyone."

In all honesty I almost wish I hadn't gone. It was a lot of trouble, as sleepovers usually are. Only about 10 people showed up. Plus I had to hide the fact from dad that we drove to ihop and back, and by "we" I mean a teenager drove.

Dad's brother Allen died in an automobile accident where teenagers were being stupid and drag racing. They hit him and he died instantly. He was a great man, definitely my type of guy. I never got to meet him, but my dad sometimes talks about him. He was totally non-conformist, everything he did I admired greatly. He's one of my biggest role models. I cry for him a lot.

I was actually planned to be born the day he was, June 24th, but I came early. My mother, father, and half-sister were all born on the 24th of a month. I'm the oddball. In all honesty my dad doesn't know that mom picked out Elana as my middle name because it's as close to Allen as she could get without being obvious. Dad wouldn't have approved of the name if he knew that it was acting as a tribute to my late uncle.


The point is that the all-around awesome Allen died because of teenage drivers. This is why dad doesn't let me ride in a car with a teenager driving. It's so stressful, he called me twice while we were at ihop and I was sure that he had found out that Kelsey's parents hadn't driven us. Fortunately when he picked me up later I managed to avoid the topic.

It's become extremely apparent that this issue is plaguing me. Life would be so much easier and I'd be a lot happier if I could just ride with one of my friends driving rather than be an awkward, hassle-causing party-pooper because my dad forbids me this right. But I can't do anything about it, that's like me smoking a cigarette after Papa died of lung cancer. It would be an insult to his memory if I stood up to dad. I might just have to tough out one more year until I move out of the house and can make my own rules.

Oh well. Can't do much about it. The reunion was good closure, though. Now I can finally move on.

In other news, vh1's 40 hottest hotties of the 90s jingle is stuck in my head. I like it. A lot.

1 comment:

  1. So did you guys make any plushies? =D

    At least your dad has a very good reason for not wanting you a car driven by a teenager. But as soon as you get your license (and wait six months), you can be the one driving and won't always need a parent.
