Saturday, August 29, 2009

Just read the monumental poop story

I had such a good day, which made up for the disappointing people to people sleepover reunion.
I thought I wasn't going to see anybody after I left Kelsey's house this morning because we got about 4 and a half hours of sleep and I believed this would make me crabby, but SURPRISE SURPRISE. Caitlin texted me proposing an all day Harry Potter movie marathon and I couldn't resist.

We only got through the first two ones because we left for a few hours to get sewing materials for the wonderful birthday gift Alienor (<3) got for me. :)

The p2p reunion didn't live up to any great expectations, but there was a couple moments where I was having fun. An example would now be one of the best poop stories in my arsenal.

Note: don't read if you're eating.

Travis and Jim were climbing a tree, and after they were about 80 feet up they decided to just chill for a while before Jim suddenly rushed down. Travis followed suit. Once Jim was on the porch he asked Kelsey where her bathroom was. After he had been gone for almost 10 minutes Travis told us he said "Trav, I gotta go poop."

Travis: He is going to work in there!
Troy: Well now it's going to be really awkward when he comes out.

Then Jim entered the porch. With a plunger. "Where can I leave this to dry?"

I can't remember the last time I thought something was so disgusting and so perfect at the same time.

"I ate 20 wings last night, at least I cleaned up...Sorry I just made things incredibly awkward for everyone."

In all honesty I almost wish I hadn't gone. It was a lot of trouble, as sleepovers usually are. Only about 10 people showed up. Plus I had to hide the fact from dad that we drove to ihop and back, and by "we" I mean a teenager drove.

Dad's brother Allen died in an automobile accident where teenagers were being stupid and drag racing. They hit him and he died instantly. He was a great man, definitely my type of guy. I never got to meet him, but my dad sometimes talks about him. He was totally non-conformist, everything he did I admired greatly. He's one of my biggest role models. I cry for him a lot.

I was actually planned to be born the day he was, June 24th, but I came early. My mother, father, and half-sister were all born on the 24th of a month. I'm the oddball. In all honesty my dad doesn't know that mom picked out Elana as my middle name because it's as close to Allen as she could get without being obvious. Dad wouldn't have approved of the name if he knew that it was acting as a tribute to my late uncle.


The point is that the all-around awesome Allen died because of teenage drivers. This is why dad doesn't let me ride in a car with a teenager driving. It's so stressful, he called me twice while we were at ihop and I was sure that he had found out that Kelsey's parents hadn't driven us. Fortunately when he picked me up later I managed to avoid the topic.

It's become extremely apparent that this issue is plaguing me. Life would be so much easier and I'd be a lot happier if I could just ride with one of my friends driving rather than be an awkward, hassle-causing party-pooper because my dad forbids me this right. But I can't do anything about it, that's like me smoking a cigarette after Papa died of lung cancer. It would be an insult to his memory if I stood up to dad. I might just have to tough out one more year until I move out of the house and can make my own rules.

Oh well. Can't do much about it. The reunion was good closure, though. Now I can finally move on.

In other news, vh1's 40 hottest hotties of the 90s jingle is stuck in my head. I like it. A lot.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

If I could meet Neil Cicierega, I'd haha my butooty off

I've always wanted a friend so dull, monotonous, and utterly boring as Snape is portrayed in the Potter Puppet Pals series. I'd laugh to my heart's content. That's why I secretly like eavesdropping on others' conversations and cracking up, because usually the topic is surprisingly average and induces me with the gigglies.

But all my friends are awesome, so that didn't work...

The New School is losing one of the two science teachers due to the lack of students enrolling this year (because the economy sucks), which means the schedule's going to be reworked in a couple of weeks. Every other subject only has one teacher, so it was a dead giveaway that a science teacher was going to have to leave. Now I have no idea whether I'll be able to take chamber choir or not. I heard from Steph Lewia that Mr. Murray's going to be replaced by an attractive Black guy. How racially diverse for the bunk! Way to go Mr. Lewia.

Grammy's doing better! It's been two months since she left her house to have the heart surgery, and for a while things were looking pretty grim. But now she's doing fantastic, she can actually move her legs and she might be coming home soon. I'm so happy!

I'm teaching myself to juggle.

My yoga class is starting up again tomorrow. I might be joining a health club to support my yoga teacher.

I'm about to watch the first Harry Potter movie, back when all the little tykes were absolutely adorable. When Wolfie was still around we promised each other we'd have an all day Harry Potter fest where we would watch all the movies in a row together. He was going to make his special, organic, super healthy popcorn. I miss him a lot.

I'm really excited for school to start and for the retreat (every year TNSK starts by doing something fun, in this case white water rafting, so that the students get to bond). I had a dream about an anonymous male TNSK student, clad in skinny jeans, the other night. My hormones really liked it. haha

Mom keeps bugging me to clean my room and it's starting to get on my nerves slightly. But I'm trying my best not to say anything about it.

My insanely accurate horoscope started this week by asking "Are you looking for a fight this week, Gemini?" so I'm trying my best to be a lover, not a fighter. I forgot how madly enamoured I am with Across the Universe until last night. The Beatles are amazing, my parents are so lucky they got to grow up when they did.

I have all my hours done on my permit. I just need to do some parallel parking practicing (ppphaha like potter puppet pals...) then I'm going to send out for my date. !!!

Enya is fantastic, she's been a favorite of mine and mom's for years now.

There's a The Academy Is... concert in Boston on November 5th. Does anyone want to go? I'd invite my friend Sara from the trip because her favorite song is The Phrase That Pays. Anybody who can dig their older stuff is good in my book, even if it is a hit single. Me and some bestieswent to the mall the other day and I finally got a band tee-shirt of theirs. <3

At the mall we went in an intensely wonderful tea shop. I can't wait to brew the tea I got tomorrow!

Look up The Conqueror Worm by Edgar Allen Poe. It's amazing.

I just got to see my dad today. :)

Alright, the stream of consciousness is finished. Just wanted to provide a little update of Sara's life. Now onto Tom Felton and the ginger!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Why not

Both my nana and my grammy got sent to the hospital yesterday. Dad and I visited Grammy (my mum's mum) today and afterwards she said "Pray for me, loves." I did.

Suck on that James haha

There, a more in depth, "this is gonna take forever" sorting quiz. I still got Hufflepuff...

Friday, August 7, 2009

At least do the quiz at the end if you don't want to read the whole thing haha

I don't know what's going on anymore. Or rather, I've realized I never knew, not really. There were a few things I thought I was sure about, but now that's all out the window.

If you asked me a month ago about God I'd reply "I'm Atheist." because we don't have a whole lot of proof.

Now I know that I've been sheltered my whole life. I never gave religion a chance. If my dad wasn't as Atheist as Tyra Banks is crazy then maybe I would have been raised differently. One ordinary day mom requested that I pray for someone (she asks this a lot) and I stated "Mom it makes me uncomfortable when you say things like that, you know I don't believe in God." She looked hurt for a moment, but at the same time it felt like the right thing to do. I only ever enter a church for a chamber choir concert, I've never read the bible, why would she expect me to pray on a daily basis?

But I've come to the conclusion that there was always a little part of me that thought "If there is a God, I don't want to offend him by not believing." because that's how my mind works. I think of others first. After Ronette died I cried for weeks. I clearly remember me saying "Please, God, she deserved so much more than this. Make sure she's happy and safe in heaven. Thank you so much."

I always wondered what came over me. I would always "pray" for a loved one when they passed away, but the rest of my life I pretended as if he didn't exist. But I certainly don't want him to retract his blessings on Cunie and Sophie and Dede and Bootsie and Papa and Allen and Ronette and all the wonderful beings that are missed, so a small part of me will always believe. I'd much rather protect those who I love and believe in something that may or may not exist than curse them because I'm too ignorant to even consider that God may be real.


I hope in my life I experience several different spiritualities and religions, maybe even find one that's right for me.

Another thing I'm confused about is love.

I'm quite confident that most high school relationships move too quickly. Maturity hasn't fully set in, and two people start saying "I love you" meaning "I'm in love with you" shortly after they start a relationship, or even right after they start dating. Friendships are formed that create a foundation for love that they build upon since we're always around the same people.

But many students don't realize the difference between love, infatuation, and lust, which leads to downfall in several relationships.

I'm a believer in don't start a romantic relationship with someone unless you can consider marrying the person, or at least spending the rest of your life with him/her. At the same time I think that people's minds and views and desires are always changing, and seem to plateau after they've matured to their personal, full extent.

I also don't believe in sex before love. I'm grateful for pre-marital sex, otherwise I wouldn't be here, but in all honesty my parents certainly weren't in love when I was conceived. I was accident, and now I'm just a really lucky bastard. Literally. If I hadn't come into the picture my parents wouldn't have dated for more than a couple months. They're just two different people that didn't work out. I feel bad, because my parents don't get along, but they put up with each other for my sake. They even feign friendship when we're with company, and I thank them for that. What they've done is incredibly self-less.

This leads to another point. Abortion. I value life, I'm a friggen vegan, and if I did someday get pregnant before I was ready I probably would keep what could possibly turn into a baby, just because it might have a chance. Contrarily, I'm pro-choice.

Mom told me a story about when she was in school several decades ago. A popular girl stole her boyfriend and she ended up pregnant because of it. Abortion was outlawed in America and several other countries at the time, so the boyfriend's family had to pay the girl lots of money so she could fly to Japan, have the operation, and fly back.

My mum was going to abort me, but two days before she decided against it. She felt that I was special. I'm not sure if I lived up to her or anybody's standards, in fact I'm pretty sure I haven't and won't until I'm older, but the point is that if she had doubt in her mind while on a plane to Asia she probably would have gone through with the operation for all the hassle she had gone through and I wouldn't be here blogging at 2 in the morning.

It's kind of hard for me to not be pro-choice. The last thing I want to do is be ungrateful for what I was blessed with.

But I think that making love is one of the most intimate things you can do with someone, why would you want to do this with someone you don't fully care about? Isn't that like cheating love? I'm scared that someday I won't be strong enough, that I'll be pressured and I'll go against my views because I'm afraid of loss and rejection. Hopefully this won't happen, but it's a definite possibility, and I can already see myself regretting how much of a wimpy pushover I am.

I admire chivalry, and having the courage to do what's right. Like Gryffindor, but for real. Because we all know Hermione probably should've been in Ravenclaw, but she was one of those lucky souls that could've fit into two houses so that there'd be a popular series to make millions. That's why Giligan never made a boat to get off the island.

I'm always in friggen Hufflepuff. What's up with that? I'm not smart, not brave, not cunning, so I was put in the reject house. The "wellll since you're already here you can stay, but you kinda suck" house. It wouldn't be as fail-tastic if someone else was sorted accordingly, just given the circumstances it makes it seem like I wouldn't fit in Hogwarts at all. haha

What'd everyone else get? Anybody join me in the loyal, dependable, hardworking ranks? :)

Wednesday, August 5, 2009


I like the feeling of being attracted. When you can't stop grinning, whether you're staring at a new book or an old lover. This was inspired by a recent obsession in the form of a song.

If That's All Right With You- Feltbeats

If that's alright with you,
I'll pack my bags and be on my way.
And still if t
hat's not alright with you -
Speak now 'cause I'm on my way round
To spend the night with you,
Hold you in
my arms like you was a guitar.
And by now you're guessing I'm liking you.
So fine and I want you to be mine.

So while I'm in this state of mind there's no time like the present.
Pick you up to sing you little songs under a half crescent.
Be so very pleasant
Only you and myself.
The only problem is I'm here
And you appear just to be somewhere else.

That's just the way it is.
I've done my best yet still I'm stressed.
Oh no I'm sick of the way it is.
And what to do I simply haven't got two clues.

Because I've been searching for a person of a kind,
But the only thing I've found is she's pretty hard to find.
Starry shine from the sky at night like it's my final sign.
I wish that you were with me but I guess that I'll get by alright.

'Cause that's when I woke up you're not lying there.
For that's when I woke up and realized how much I simply care...
And How much I simply care...

If that's alright with you
I'll pack my bags and be on my way.
And still if that's not alright with you speak now 'cause I'm on my way round
To spend the night with you,
Hold you in my arms like you was a guitar.
And by now you're guessing I'm liking you.
You're so fine and I want you to be mine.

Wherever she is and whatever she's doing,
She's probably got a hundred thousand people already queuing,
And on top of it my brain and body haven't seemed to got a grip,
Every time I try to ring you up I seem to bottle it.
What a dick!
What to say to you? Forgotten it.
Supposed to be so confident and cool - I'm quite the opposite.
Listen, yeah, being by myself already sick of that.
Kiss your lips - hit me for six, just like a cricket bat.
Smack, gone, going, what's happened is not knowing -
Wont stop flowing 'till I've filled up my little cup of fort.
Looking for a little lady to love and not the other sort.
I love the thought of you and I living like it's do or die.
I'm here for you my girl you as long as I'm blue and I
There'll be a cloudless sky when I see the sight of you.
I kiss you on the lips, but only if that's alright with you.
(But only if that's alright with you.)

If that's alright with you
I'll pack my bags and be on my way.
And still if that's not alright with you,
Speak now 'cause I'm on my way round
To spend the night with you,
Hold you in my arms like you was a guitar.
And by now you're guessing I'm liking you.
You're so fine and I want you to be mine.
I want you to be mine.

The last verse is my personal favorite.

I'm not very judgmental, and I don't look for faults in others. I like people, that's just the way I am. Regardless, there are some qualities I like more than others.

To name a few things I am attracted to:














Love, and love of life.



Tom Felton.


Effective talkers.


Skinny jeans.











Not stressing over the little things.


Inner beauty.


Barefoot frame of mind.









Love songs.






Inner child.


Brendon Urie.






Don't worry, that's just a start. This list is never ending, and hopefully always changing. Transforming, lengthening, growing. Blossoming until one individual decides to impact the rest of our lives for the better. Forever with each other, and love will linger in the spaces where hands fit together.

If I could live a life of love I would be eternally grateful to whatever force granted my happiness. If it's not too bold of me, I'd like to say in advance:

Thank you.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Tales of p2p 2 (haha it's like a pattern!)

One day we got to learn some Greek dances. We got split randomly into two groups. My group danced first then went to the beach next to the dance studio and the others went to the beach first. I was fortunate, we got to cool off after a workout while the other group got to have a layer of sweat caked onto their skin. Yummay!

Towards the end of the dancing lesson our instructor, who had a raging unobrow, told us that the boys had to pick a girl to dance with. Travis picked Kelsey, Hudson picked Sara (she's been dancing since she was 1), then it was Alex's turn to choose. I discreetly looked away, hoping he wouldn't pick me. I'd a hundred times rather have a girl than have him. So obviously he picked me.


Alex is Max's brother (from Kennebunk, not Max on the trip), and since they look almost identical it made me nauseous just being around him. Having to touch him had me hating myself for a long while. That wasn't a pleasant experience, but it's over now. The sad thing was that I saw Jim frown when Alex said my name. He later hinted that he was going to pick me if he had gotten the chance.


While my group was at the beach, eyeing each other in our prude-ish, ambassadorial bathing suits (us girls couldn't show our stomachs, it was pretty bad), the other kids were breaking a sweat in the stuffy dance studio. Max misheard the instructor when he told him to say "Opah!" and instead repeated "Opar!" every few minutes. This continued for a long time before anybody had the heart to tell him the error of his ways. It turned into a running joke (the best kind of joke). Instead of saying cheers we would just raise our glasses and yell "Opar!"

Another funny thing that happened was this.

Travis calls his grandpa "Grandpar!". He's really close to his family. During one of the bus rides he said "Grandpar! He's an awesome guy, I miss him." then completely out of the blue he stated "He can make a mean root beer float."

Thank the stars for random humor.

He also really liked Fire Burning, which is why we played that song a lot. We visited an Italian school and most of the kids had tan skin, dark hair and dark eyes. There was one kid who was pale and had red hair. The other boys who attended the school were making fun of him. At one point Travis got really pissed off about this, stating "I don't like bullies." he told the leaders but they didn't do anything, so he yelled "Sara the vegan! Come over here!" I approached him as he said "See she's got red hair and she's totally hott! It's cool to be ginger." He tried his best to help out the kid but after a minute it was apparent that they didn't understand English. He was getting really worked up so he quoted the song by saying "I need to be cool like fire."

Which made us all think about how that doesn't make the least bit of sense. haha yay dance music lyrics!

One of our conversations on the bus went like this:

Travis: Have you seen Hot Rod?

Sara: Yeah I love that movie!

Travis: Well I haven't.

Then he quoted one of my favorite scenes.

Sara: I love how you can quote all these movies you've never seen

Travis: Me too, quoting movies like Hot Rod and Napoleon Dynamite is my life. Did you know Jon Heder's Mormon?

He then monologued Napoleon Dynamite for at least 5 minutes. It was hilarious because here was a real life human being who could flawlessly recite each and every word to a movie so stupidly ingenious as this. I was cracking up the entire time. Because you know you've found someone great when they can do the accent perfectly.

The last few days when we were in Rome we stayed in a Holiday Inn. It was the only normal hotel. Before that we were in the sketchiest hotel alive where the lights flickered and the hallways were narrow and frightening. Great fun.

But at the hotel you wouldn't find in a horror film, the guys started having these really intense "pillow fights". They would take off their shirts, go into Travis, Max, and Frank's room and wrestle each other in the dark. At one point me, Kelsey, and Sara were in our room (which is directly above Troy, Klebage, and Jim Sobanik bubonic jump up on it electronic's room) and Jim had his shirt off. Kelsey asked "what are you guys doing?" and he replied "wrestling other men in the dark with our shirts off...and honey." to be awkwardly funny.

And when we were outside their room (we couldn't go in because Francie and DBB (Kelsey) had already gotten in trouble and almost sent home for being in a guy's room. They didn't really tell us it was against the rules 'til afterwards...) Klebage would randomly open and close the door, so sometimes they could see and other times Sweet Pete would hit his head on the nightstand, Max would pile drive Jim and Travis into Frank's broken bed, or someone would hit Travis's glasses so they almost break in the darkness. It was great fun. At one point Klebage threw a shoe and it hit Travis right in the face. He almost passed out, but me and Sara air kissed him to make it better. Kisses make everything better.

I find Jim to be very profound. We were talking about SAT scores and it was evident that he got a very high score, but was being humble about his intelligence. To boost his confidence I said "You're smart, you're taking all AP classes." and he replied with "Sometimes I feel dumb for taking them."

He knows that kids forget most of what they learn in school and that most of the time we spend there is virtually useless because of this. It would be fine if we were learning things that were important. In 20 years we'll look back on our education and wish we had tried harder but only because we can't remember what we were taught. The system needs some work, it's not our fault.

The point is he has his priorities in order even if he takes all AP classes. He lives and breathes music, wants to be an engineer, and knows how he's getting there while still leaving time for his friends and hobbies. I admire him.

Another conversation we had went like this.

"You wore your glasses today! I like them."

"Thanks, Sara the vegan."

"Thanks for appreciating my compliment to you."

"Thank you for noticing my appearance."

"Thank you for wearing your glasses today."

Then he grinned and said, "You're welcome."

It stuck with me for some reason and I don't know why, so it must be important. Maybe I was meant to share it with all you folk.