Thursday, September 24, 2009


Monday was my first day of classes. It was fun, in Ecology tomorrow we're going to the Rachel Carson Preserve. We watched a video on her today and it was really interesting, she's the reason our teacher Nathan decided to study environmental science. He's super cool, he spent time in the rain forest on a conservation project. He's really laid-back and nice too. :)

The first thing we did in Public Policy was watch a clip of teens texting and driving. Then we read a paper aloud about certain death toll statistics and I my voice was barely under control. After I finished reading my paragraph I had to leave the room because I was crying about Allen, but everybody just thought I was throwing away my apple core in the kitchen compost. Everyone except Flora, she hugged me after class. She's definitely my favorite vegan teacher.

We have a persuasive essay to write, and I've generally narrowed my topic down to either same-sex marriage or clean water access. Everyone has such interesting topics, so I'm thinking I might need to switch mine up. I don't want to be the weak link in the class.

Ahh, Nature Writing...I like words. A lot. I'm pretty sure most of the class really wants to be there, so I'm excited that I won't have to deal with any negativity. We've already written a poem, for next week we're going to do a nature essay. I don't think I've ever written an essay that was fun before. Nick kept falling asleep during class. Come to think of it, he fell asleep inevery class. Ecology, Public Policy, Nature Writing, the meeting...he was standing up, drawing a dinosaur next to an attribute for the Solutions committee representatives when his eyes closed and his head dropped. Nick's such a character.

At the All School Meeting today I did Speaker's List, but I didn't really have to do anything because there were no super issues, so there were never more than two hands raised. I still like the meetings. Maybe I'll conform to everyone's beliefs next week.

Tomorrow is International Hug a Vegetarian Day! I made an announcement at the beginning of the meeting, it's strange speaking in public and not completely spazzing out.

On Tuesdays I have ASL, and I guess this was obvious but the teacher's deaf. I can honestly say I've never learned a language from someone who doesn't talk, but he's really funny and I like him a lot. He reminds me of Santa Claus because he's huge and jolly and has a lovely white beard. Christmas is only a few months away... <3

So today in Public Policy, Zeb was writing our ideas on a piece of poster paper taped to a wall, and someone said "animal suicide/euthanasia" and people started joking about how no one can spell euthanasia and Zeb says "of course I can spell that!" and writes "animal suicide youth in Asia". haha it was rather priceless.

By the way he's worn the same shirt since last week. I think it's because the majority of TNS students rarely go home, they just stay at a friend's house. That's why Nick was so tired, he was at Anthony's.

Tim heard a story on the radio where an obese man was told by the cops that he was too obese to use a breathalyzer and in major doo-doo, so Landon said "wow, his birthday parties must be depressing. Okay, blow out all your candles!" haha

On Wednesday was my first ever Self Directed Learner's Seminar, aka New Kids Class. It was fine, I'm not sure why Haley was complaining so much. At one point she, Gordy, and Noah were eating some chips with salsa and Haley puts her bare foot on the table right next to their food and when we gave her odd looks she said "What? I'm just picking my scab!" haha it was so hilariously trashy, but it probably wouldn't have been as great if I were the one eating.

At the start I thought I had a lot more motivation to be organized, but I think that got crushed when mom slept through our plans to straighten out my room. I still can't see the floor.

Happy Birthday to my lovely sister <3

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