Sunday, September 13, 2009

Committees (thank God for spell check)

So on Thursday we had to pick which committee we wanted to be on. You can only be on one. I narrowed down my choices to three before I started having nagging doubts, guilt-induced nausea, and obligatory contradictions. I was slightly chained by shackles to the thrift store, since I had volunteered and recently signed up for OTB.

Then a part of me told myself (my body parts like to talk) I should be on the welcoming committee, because I love having an excuse to not be shy. It helps. I love being friendly and including people, I thought being on the welcoming committee would be perfect for me. The only other person who was on it was Cody, and he was really nice to me when I attended the planning day in June. Not only did he get me a chair, explain to me how the schedule works, and make sure to incorporate a music class for me (I was a little too shy to voice my opinions at that point), but he also drove me home afterwards. I never told dad about that and I'm not gonna.

But then I saw it...the school spirit committee. We've had group discussions about our school colors and mascot. As of right now, our colors are plaid and clear because when the school was started ten years ago there were these horrible plaid couches and clear windows, and that was basically all their furniture. And then the mascot. We don't exactly have one, since we don't participate in organized sports, but we've joked A LOT about being TNS roosters: home of the raging cocks. haha

In the end I signed up for the school spirit committee. It consists of me, Haley, and Joey the Germ. Haley's one of the biggest sluts I've ever met, but she's really funny and outgoing, I can't help but like her. I don't think she'd be as bad if she didn't have a giant rack and like to expose said giant rack at every possible moment by taking off her shirt and wearing clothing that doesn't even cover her whole bra. Yeah she's a mega hit to my self-esteem, but I like her anyway. :)

It's us three girls on a quest to improve morale and bring spirit into the lives of our fellow peers. Instead of finishing a Harry Potter book last night, I started writing down ideas that we could do throughout the year. I got so into it, planning possible dances, holiday parties, spirit week (which was quite difficult because everyday is pretty much spirit week at TNS haha).

I'm excited. Hopefully I won't screw anything up. Responsibility is a stranger to me, I've been so sheltered that I don't know what to do if there's no one to help me. Oh well, life's just a learning experience. I don't ever want to stop learning.

Health week starts tomorrow. We're going to be cooking food and running around playing games. We already read some articles on high fructose corn syrup and parenting, it's really interesting. The reason corn syrup and soy lecithin are in everything is because it's subsidised by the government, and that's why cows are fed so much corn, because everything revolves around moolah. It's not really about our well-being, it's all about the money, right?

I wish it were all just about love. I think we need a little more of that.

1 comment:

  1. yeah i wish i ran the food industry, its in so much trouble right now, along with the everything-else industry, they all need a time out to think about what they've done
