Thursday, July 30, 2009

Tales of p2p

Here's a list of some of the infamous songs that I'll never forget because of the trip:
Jack Johnson's album In Between Dreams (Never Know was our good morning song that we played every morning)
Right Round- Flo Rida
Fire Burning- Sean Kingston
Boom Boom Pow- Black Eyed Peas
I'm on a Boat- The Lonely Island (this happened several times due to overnight ferry rides)
Baby Got Back- Sir Mix A Lot
I Love College- Asher Roth
La Bomba- King Africa (we learned an Italian dance to this song <3)
Chica- Culcha Candela
Big City Life- Mattafix
And a song about African children crying no more and dynamo and a better tomorrow that none of us could find haha

We played lots of dance music on the bus and in the clubs on the ferries.

No one used the club on the first ferry ride because it was empty. On the second ferry ride me, Kelsey and Francie were being teenage girls and dancing with each other instead of with the guys because they weren't doing much of anything (even though all but two of them were present). It was about 15 minutes before bed checks and Boom Boom Pow came on. Travis was doing some funny dance move during the beginning so we were like "YES they're not just standing there". Then Right Round came on and they were loosening up. We were excited, we were going to make the most of the time before bed checks when suddenly they all froze. The girls and I looked behind them to see Jim LaPlante (aka the leaf) standing there, grinning like he had just fulfilled a certain manly want of his. We screamed and bolted in the opposite direction. We didn't want a creeper like him seeing a bunch of girls grinding on each other. After we were down a few floors from the club we stopped to catch our breath. Jim Sobanik bubonic jump up on it electronic jumped down the stairs and informed us that the leaf was pissed. We walked him to his room, so that he wouldn't get caught being alone (a major no no in the p2p protocol), and then found Travis, who told us the same thing in a much funnier, more animated way. Then as we were talking to him the leaf appeared at the top of the stairs. He crept by us while laughing sketchily as we tried to avoid eye contact with him. We failed dismally at pretending to be highly interested in the large mirror that covered the wall. It was incredibly awkward. We ran back to our rooms, completely traumatized. Then I traded that story with Hannah for the one where Sweet Pete punched Klebage in the face.

I might as well explain that one.

For future reference Hudson's last name is Klebs, pronounced just like it looks. That didn't last very long, and people started saying Kleebs. This soon turned into Klebage. Peter's name is Sweet Pete, but that doesn't really have much of a story. It just rhymed.

Klebage is pretty chill but can be really awkward. He reminds me somewhat of Shawn Callahan. It's hard to be around him for more than a couple of minutes before the conversation is strained and awful. He can be nice, though. He was usually the one to get my suitcase off the bus because I'm such a wimp. He can do this really cool trick to make cards disappear and oh my God it's awesome. Magic is so attractive.

Sweet Pete is pretty obnoxious and immature. He's also very materialistic. The only time I ever believe he acts his age is when he's talking about money or cars or weapons. (He burned down a forest and once we caught wind of this story labeled him as the group's pyromaniac. He bought several lighters and knives, which he collects, while we were over there.) I'm such a Debbie Downer, I need to be a Positive Polly. But really even after I told him I'm afraid of fire he continued to wave a lit lighter in front of my face until Travis told him to knock it off. I'm pretty sure Sweet Pete had a man crush on most of the guys on the trip, because he was always trying to impress them.

It was late, so I don't really remember a whole lot about the story. The gist of it was that Klebage turned off the light to go to sleep when Sweet Pete used his key to enter the room. Then he turned on the lights and went into the bathroom. Klebage turned off the lights again because he thought Sweet Pete had left and he was trying to get to sleep. Upon exiting the bathroom, Sweet Pete stumbled and got frustrated with Klebage, saying if the lights had been off he wouldn't have hurt himself. He then punched Klebage in the face and left the room, storming the halls of the ferry by himself. This explained why these two boys were the only ones not in the club at one point or another during the night. They're cool now, but Sweet Pete was wicked pissed before, which is really sad 'cause Klebage is pretty chill.


  1. Klebage. That's a good one. xD

    I thought you weren't allowed to buy lighters and knives, because they're weapons. o.0

    How jerkish of him to wave it in your face! Good on Travis for coming to your rescue, though

  2. that is what i said alienor! i was so surprised they let him buy them. i thought it was in one of the contracts you sign or whatever...

    hee hee positive polly

  3. He gave them to the leaf to hold until we went on the airplane so he never really had time to use them. Yeah Travis is a good guy. :)
