Sunday, March 28, 2010

I'm so screwed yayayayayayay!!

On Monday Marylyn told us "We're burned out. We didn't leave ourselves anytime to plan Session 3 classes, so we're letting Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday be work days where you don't have to come to school as long as you're doing work at home."

kjbtehuertbkj on Wednesday I thought, "Oh, I have lots of time, I'll just have a fun day of revisiting my childhood with nostalgic video games."

Then Wednesday night I had the idea that Gordy could stay the night on Thursday because we had to go to Augusta Friday morning and he lives really far away, so he could sleep a little later if he stayed with us. I thought he could come over in the afternoon so I could get a little work done in the morning, but the most convenient time for his ride was dropping him off at 10:30 am, so I got no work done at all. I had to wake up early to go to school to wait for Ruth (the math teacher) so she could help me with my math gateway. I waited for an hour and a half and she showed up just as I was walking out the door to leave. Oh well.

Gordy's awesome. :) We got about three and a half hours of sleep Friday morning, woke up at an ungodly hour where it was still dark out, and dressed up for the fancies at the capital building. (and it was snowing. What the hell??)

The reason we had to go to Augusta was because the representatives wanted to meet their respective robotics teams. Ross (our teacher), Gordy, and I were the only ones who went. Most of the other teams had more people, but then again, Gordy and I are like a quarter of our team. haha then when Hannah Pingree (speaker of the house) was saying the teams she forgot us. Later some lady came over and apologized, and after lunch we got pictures with some well-to-do peeps, but other than that it was basically pointless. I had fun talking to Gordy and Ross, though. They're hilarious!

The minute we got back into the Bunk Marylyn made us cook for the local foods dinner. Then I had the recruitment meeting, but I had to leave that one early to go to an admissions meeting. We've accepted our first new kid for next year! And right after that I had to eat noms noms and go to the gym before it closed. Probably one of the busiest days of my life, but it was awesome anyway.

Yesterday I said "Okay, I really have to do my work. The teachers gave us three extra days, I can't just blow it off completely. All I have to write five more pages on my research paper and finish my writing portfolio." I went to the library, got some books, and rushed back home because Marylyn was making us come to school to cook again. We only made about a hundred dollars, but it's better than nothing.

So now I'm wallowing in self pity at how I screwed myself over like usual. bkaweiuoe at least classes start tomorrow, I'm wicked pumped! First block I'm taking Philosophy, second is either going to be Art or King Arthur Through the Ages, third block will be Women's Studies, and fourth block is Musical Theater. :) :) :) I can't decide right now whether to do Art or King Arthur. Christine (the English teacher) said King Arthur's just going to be reading some books and watching lots of movies, because her spring classes are a lot easier than her fall ones. But almost everyone in the art class is really talented, and even though I'd like to get better I'm afraid I'll be the odd one out who never knows what's going on. Such a dilemma!!

But I'm really looking forward to Session 3...if I can get my work done. Philosophy I have with Gordy, and Women's Studies is all girls, which will be such a change from last session. I remember ASL where I was the only girl in the class, and in Robotics it was just me and Rhiannon, but she's Rhiannon, so I was basically the only girl. haha. Having an all girls class will be refreshing. :) Except Rhiannon's in Women's Studies...hahaha

And I can't wait for musical theater! Since we're so small we only have a few choices. We'll probably be doing The Fantasticks. And since I'm either one of or the only girl in the class, I'll probably have a role I don't deserve. But I'll try my best!

The Auction, our biggest money maker (besides your mom), is coming up on April 10th at KHS. It'll be a party!! Last year I won a $50 gift card to a bar and grill. It expired a month ago, but we went there and the manager extended it to March of 2013. Ssccoorree.

I wish I had the super power to do homework asap. That'd be pretty cool.

I hope this gets played at my wedding.

Love and Light everybody!


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