Monday, February 1, 2010

Loooooong day

Granted, I had a lot of fun, but it went on forever! (like your mom)

Got to school at about 8:40-ish. A little late, but that happens every Monday.

Food class was hilarious as usual, my book group is just Gordy, Noah, and myself. When those two are together it's just non-stop laughter. I love dem, even if Noah smells. :) haha

Towards the end of class, Chris starts talking about how he wants to punch Connor. He said he and Connor argued earlier about whether or not you can drink your own piss. (Connor said you couldn't, Chris said you could before it turned into ammonia, and I believe you can up to seven times before it becomes toxic for your body, so I was kinda on Chris's he's just a lot chiller.)

Connor starts yelling from God knows where, screaming "No you can't!". Chris just shrugs and says "Okay, crybaby!" Then third block was about to start, and I decided to boil some water to make tea. I was walking with Gordy to the kitchen, and when we were about ten feet away Chris comes out and lightly shoves Connor, and all hell broke lose. Connor immediately put Chris in a headlock and shoved him against the cubbies. Chris was flexing but didn't lay a finger on Connor, even saying "I'm not going to hit you." Nate the teacher then rushed out of the science room and broke up the fight. The only people who saw it were Haley and Nick (who had been making out prior to the fight) and Gordy and I.

Both Chris and Connor were in the wrong. After solutions someone stated "Chris needs to leave", but I don't think we could do that. Not really. He's a cool guy, just a little rough around the edges and slightly more obnoxious than the average person. He's been kicked out of both Noble and Sanford, which doesn't surprise me, but he doesn't deserve to be expelled from TNS as well. We can't just let him be a drop out. Connor's gonna be gone soon anyway, he's going to South Carolina to presumably do his senior project.

Flora's going to have her baby any second now, so why she's actually showing up to school I have no idea, but she's not teaching. She just chills, goes to adviosry/meetings, helps out. For a pregnant lady she does a crap-ton of work. She never even asks for help when she's carrying stuff. She's such a cool gal! We're throwing her a party on Friday, and the decoration committee gave me their list of things to make the big room look festive. It included "Fetuses", "Gordon in diaper", and "Ewwww babies". Earlier Marylyn had gone beyond creepy when she suggested we decorate with "Hanging babies". bahaha I love her

Flora's taking us to Augusta on Thursday. I'm nervous that her water'll break and she'll make us have the baby in the van. She wants to have the baby at her house, not the hospital, so I would have no idea what to do in that situation. I just hope she makes it 'til then. haha Instead of Public Policy, we went to Christine's room and chilled with her Writing Workshop. Amandajean showed up, so hopefully this is the start of a new age for her. :) This morning she wasn't there yet and Landon said "Well that was a short lived victory." haha

In Creative Writing we read these creepy but reallly awesome stories about fairy tales being altered and told differently. When we were brainstorming fairy tales we talked about Cain and Abel, and how the only people who knew the story were those who had seen Year One. haha

Then we talked about Rumpelstiltskin, and the transition got Nick confused, so he asked "Wait, is Rumpelstiltskin from the Bible?" hahaha he's so awesome. :) Nick's definitely one of my favorite people in the school.

Then in Solutions we actually had two cases (some drama's goin' down at TNS), but they were just about kids using cell phones. Rhiannon acts defensive whenever she's in the wrong, and it makes her seem more childish than she really is. It's a little immature of her, and I really wish she would take more responsibility, but that's just a part of growing up. She is only 15, after all.

After that I cleaned and went to Nick's roundtable. It's the third senior roundtable I've attended in the last week, and they're all almost two hours long. I get so tired just sitting there, and although at the time I wish I could be in robotics, I'm glad I'm preparing myself for what I have to do next year. Jenna's going to intern at a zoo in Colorado for a month, Cody's going to teach the wilderness survival for the March Interlude, and Nick's going to make a book about plastic and pollution/garbage. Nick's plan really inspired me to create something beautiful, but alas, I didn't have time today. Maybe tomorrow!

I got to spend a half and hour at robotics, and then I went home for a few minutes to quickly grab some din-din before the All School Meeting. The meeting was actually interesting for once. We talked about the Auction coming up in April (just ten weeks away!), the van we're buying for a dollar, charter schools, recruiting students (we need to get another 15-20 for next year because we never have money haha), and the March Interlude!

I don't believe I've explained the March Interlude. It's March 1st-24th-ish. We decided it was going to be about survival, so the first couple of days we'll be learning about first aid and other useful skills, then that Thursday through Saturday is the robotics competition!!! I'm super stoked, it's gonna be so sick, even if I have to sleep in a room with just Rhiannon. :/

There are five options for the interlude. Wilderness, WWOOF (World-Wide Workers on Organic Farms), Urban, Documentary, and Senior Project. The majority of the kids are camping in the Wilderness with Cody, some are going down to Delaware with Marylyn to work on a farm, and a couple kids are going to live in the city (and be homeless for a little while) with Ross. I'm documenting! It worked out perfectly, there were three of us, and we all wanted to document different things. I'm gonna follow Cody and company around for the first part of the interlude then head back to TNS and make a film with Nate, Landon, and Christine with the footage we got. This means that soon I actually have to learn how to use a video camera...haha

I'm wicked pumped for March. Robotics plus the interlude's gonna be BALLIN.

haha I like using ballin and baller as adjectives, because they don't make sense. At all. Like, how did that actually happen?

After the meeting I went to the gym and got home a little after 9. It was crazy, but I love it. Gah I can't get over how much I love my school. :) :) :)

Hope everyone had a wonderful day!!!

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