Sunday, October 11, 2009

To clarify

To who it may concern, I'm fascinated with several students at The New School. I like to express my feelings and observations about these uniquely wonderful people in the form of stories and blogs. I've realized I've been talking a lot about one in particular and none of the others. Please allow me to explain, and possibly redeem myself?

Nick is unusual. He's hilarious in his own, distinct way. I've honestly never met anyone like him. He doesn't force himself. It just happens. Flora is convinced he's an alien. Some would call him "strange", but that doesn't have the right connotation. Nick thinks differently than the rest of us. He dreams of being a bird. He's an absolutely fantastic writer, and I dare say an even better artist. Plus, he's left-handed.

I can't describe him the way I would like to, he's one of those peculiar cases that you may only meet once in you entire life. I feel so fortunate to be able to say "Hi, Nick!" upon entering all but one of my classes. (ASL, he takes Chinese, but since he's in that with Haley and Anthony they usually skip)

The reason I don't write about Nick is difficult for me to explain. There's no possible way I could convey his personality, his tone of voice, his thinking process. I would fail. I already have, he deserves better.

Nick's just one person. One, very unusual, person.

Another is Jade. And Haley. And Gordy. And JOEY AND CODY!!

The list is quite long, I don't have the attention span to name all of them, but I've realized that writing about Zeb is the easiest. For example:

On Thursday he was totally wired. He said he felt like he took adderall that morning, but didn't. At one point he was about to pull down his pants to show us one of his scars. He had already unzipped them by the time we convinced him otherwise.

It's more fun to write about little scenarios like this. If I could write more about the rest of them I would, but I'm not sure I can.

Just wanted to let you guys know.

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