Monday, October 19, 2009


I don't know what to do.

I've always viewed myself as either a humble or undeserving person. I never assume that I'm equal to everyone else, because I'm not, so I was surprised to have a certain thought pop into my head a few days ago.

I think Will likes me.

I then felt like an awful person. There's no possible way that could happen, I'm not a good enough person to deserve anything of the sort.

Then the next day instead of sitting next to Nate, his best friend, he sat next to me. I invited Nate to sit at our table, since now he was by himself, but he just smiled and shook his head.

I think the world needs more people like Nate.

Will continued to drop little hints here and there, always saying hi to me, sitting next to me during the meetings and ASL and whatnot.

After the gym I drove home and got my homework out, so obviously I went on facebook.

Will commented on a photo of mine twice, saying I was the "best" and the "cutest". Then he posted on my wall several times. Then he posted a status saying "Cant wait for sgining cuz my favoritest person in the whole worlds there shes also the nicest person!"

I'm the only girl in the class. :/ As sweet, flattering, and utterly aww-inspring as that is, he's a little young. I really like him, but as a friend.

By the way I had an absolutely lovely day at Walden Pond! I got to know Nick pretty well, and he's probably one of my favorite people ever!!! I was in a group with him and Rhiannon, and the contrast between my opinions of each of them

Nick is a thinker, a very mature philosopher.

Rhiannon thinks she's mature, but she's far from it. She's got a lot of growing to do, which hopefully will come in time.

It pains me that she doesn't like the people I absolutely adore, like Landon, Jamie...and Zeb (she can't stand him). She's rather pessimistic, and I guess that just doesn't mesh with me. It seems there are more people at the school she dislikes than likes, it's the complete opposite for me.

But Nick is wonderful. :) He and Zeb are best friends. I had a very joyous time talking to him, and during public policy, after everybody else left, Zeb played some music for me. Ahhhh <3

I'm not sure why I even bother trying to stay on topic, it never works.

I feel really selfish for posting this, but I guess I just really needed to tell someone, or something.

Thanks guys, I guess I'll just have to play the Will thing by ear.

Sweet dreams all you lovelies!


  1. Sara Elana Wilson! I am very disappointed with you for thinking you don't deserve to be liked! I for one have always wondered why you don't have all the boys floating along after you. Except, of course, those idiots that only go for slutty girls. Eww...

  2. aww you're so amazing, Alienor! :) :) :) thank you so much!

  3. boys boys boys
    ~Lady Gaga


    {ditto alienor's comment}
