Sunday, May 17, 2009

Prom, peeps to peeps, the letter P seems to make me happy haha

Last night was prom. Mucho fun! I sincerely enjoyed when Zac (:] :] smileys for Zac!) requested Britney Spears from the dj. I'm not gonna lie, she's one of the embarrasing, pop, hit-single artists that I like. Brit Brit's on my shower mix. I have really nice showers.

Next year at The New School will be another adventure: Pirate Prom. It's the perfect occasion to don my peg leg and train Chi-Chi, the lovable parrot, to spew inappropriate words from his beak.

Today there was a p2p meeting. We had a presentation due. Being the procrastinator I am, I did most of my section the hour before the meeting began.

Somehow I managed to have a good idea. I looked up some Italian phrases, thinking that would be a lot more useful than knowing about Italian pre-schools and what exact percentage of Italians speak the different dialects that all sound the same to us uncultured Americans.

So I was the last person to present in my group and at the end I asked that the crowd repeat those phrases after I stated them. I WAS SO RELIEVED after it went so well.

This whole year I've been making a conscious effort to be less shy. It's been a challenge, but I'm slowly seeing the changes. It's awesome, actually having people notice me and not think I'm a loser. After my presentation four parents came up to me to tell me how great I did, and it made me feel really good. Granted, one of them was my dad haha. I respect people who can go up to someone they don't know too well to compliment them and be vulnerable, even if just for a moment.

(I feel really pompous right now, writing blogs about myself has that effect on me haha)

owaertohiru!! I'm currently watching Daisy of Love instead of doing my homework, and I went on yahoo answers to see what song they always play when the incredibly attractive Fox enters the scene and someone on there spoiled tonight's episode! And some girl posted "I feel horrible for Daisy because all those guys on there are hideous (except for 12 Pack but he's kind of a douche). " 12 Pack? Are you serious anonymous yahoo answerer? Out of all the cute, gorgeous, musically-inclined sex gods on the show you had to pick one of the few who AREN'T cute? grrr they didn't even know what song it was anyway. :( The tv just showed a commercial for the show with the awful slogan "Wanna pluck?" because Daisy is a flower, but it sounds like she needs to pluck her eyebrows. haha

I've joined the track team, and I'm SO glad the season is almost over. Running sucks. A lot. At the 1st meet I went to (which was actually the 3rd or 4th meet) I did the 800 m and got fourth to last and at the next meet I got second to last (but I improved my time so it's alllll good). I'm just gratful I haven't gotten last...yet. Tyler got 5th on the mile!! Woo-hoo! :)

I took my IB music exam on Friday. 6 questions, all worth 20 "marks" (Europeans are so cool!!). I was pleased with the extract from a Jimi Hendrix song. haha The exam was two and a half hours long, and afterwards I went to history instead of skipping the rest of the day like we were allowed to. We ended up having the most awkward sub I've ever seen in my life while we watched a movie about Somalia that I didn't understand in the slightest. All the characters looked the same, it was confuzling my little mind. And then band is a joke, so I could've just left school. Lame poop.

I need to start my homework for tomorrow, considering it's almost 10 o'clock. haha but here's a poem I felt like writing. Nothing big, just one of those short five minutes things. I've been feeling happier recently because of my great friends who make me feel better about myself. :) Arrivederci y'all!

Sprouting like kites upon a cloudless beach sky, my butterfly soars with blinding splashes of balloon color.
I am aware that yours is misplaced, but don't fear.
She is alive and well, I feel her heartbeat as you dream fondly of cherries upon nitrous oxide
Turning into cliffs
Nightmares become frequent, until I find her
And when I do, she shall be the most beautiful relief
Because flying across fields with flowering gems will be the landscape of the
Some might wonder about you.
But she's there.
An adventure for your light may be in order, and if so I'm ready when you are.
I have uncorked my bottle of comfort because safety never seemed so silly before now.
You make me realize just how wonderful our secluded planetarium is, why metaphors and symbols shooting across imagination's realm bring joy to every core of my skeletal figure.
If a butterfly could be split in two, I would share.
But reality isn't one to humor us.
I will help you in different ways.

With much love,


  1. Ahhhhhh. :)

    You're absolutely incredible.
    First, I'm jealous of your shower playlist.
    And second, that poem is SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO AWESOME. Like legit, publish something NOW.

  2. YAY! sara blog! you havent posted in soo long!
    britney is always in my shower mixes ;D
    yeah that poem was quite good! the language was delicious, i LOVE the first line!

    sara = *<3*
