Sunday, October 17, 2010

I love my school :)

Friday was pivotal for the functionality of our community. Since the beginning of the school year we've had issues that kept being pushed to the back burner because we never had enough time to discuss them. Gordy, Norah and I took the reins and started a meeting that ran the entire school day to figure out these issues. The students were all for it, and we didn't go to classes at all.

It revamped the student body, and reminded me of how wonderful our school is. We're a democracy, and although there are some students who don't care enough to participate, the majority of us consider TNS our second home and do all we can to make it a better place to learn, to grow, and to simply be.

I'm very excited for the changes in the system we've now implemented, and can't wait to go to school tomorrow! (But I'm always excited for school haha)

Another thing that happened on Friday was my science gateway. I researched the development of the lens throughout history, how our understanding of light influenced our discoveries of the lens, and the harmony of math, science, and technology (and how they all push each other forward). I passed, and although I thought I did a mediocre job, both Nate (the science teacher) and Christine (the English teacher/my advisor) told me I did fabulously and stated that I had presented the best science gateway they had seen. Granted, not very many students have completed a science gateway, but I was still honored. :) Christine also announced I was the first student to complete every gateway! :) :) :) (Persuasive Essay, Applied Mathematics, Science and Technology, and Personal Passion) In that regard, I'm the first new school student to ever get into Phase 3! I'm so excited, I feel like I've actually accomplished something.

All I have to do now to graduate is finish my research paper (about fluoride in the town water) and do my senior project. I'm focusing on alternative methods of healing, especially yoga, polarity therapy, reiki, massage, homeopathy, acupuncture, and the power of herbs, food, water, and tea. I'm going to apprentice with people on Wednesdays, practice Yoga at the school (it's soooo wonderful!) and do my own independent research at home. I feel so wonderful right now, as if all the stress is gone and I can just enjoy my last year of high school. Although I'm quite disappointed that I didn't find out about The New School or the School Around Us sooner, I'm so thankful I found it at all. It's been a life-saver.

So that's just an update of my school year so far. I'm taking some AP level English/History classes, a fun language class (ASL), and a very informative Maine Elections class. I have a free block to get all my senior portfolio shiznit together, and then I use the flex time either in advisory, doing committee work, or in one of the infamous meetings.

By the way, we're having a Harvest Fair on the 23rd that I bet almost no one will show up to, considering everyone and their uncles are having harvest fairs on that day. We're also having a haunted house on the 22nd, which probably won't be as bad because we're not putting a whole bunch of money and effort into.

Ahhhhhh life.


  1. This is unrelated to your blog, but I just wanted to say that the fact that you consistently comment on my blog posts like right after I finish them impresses me greatly because it means that even though I only post like once a month you still check it like every day. =D

  2. I always feel really sketchy because no one else comments, but then I'm like No! James will NOT judge me for my abundance of comments! haha so gracias Jamesopher! now that I know you don't think I'm a creep I feel really good haha
