Monday, February 23, 2009

Salutations, world!

So apparently all my friends have been blogging for a while. For some reason I was under the impression that it was short-lived, but obviously not. Don't worry, though, the crisis has been averted, because I have arrived!

I hope I don't sound extremely obnoxious throughout this. If I do, tell me while air slapping me. Don't actually hit me, that'd be mean.

I'll probably be reliving my day here. Or gushing nonstop about gorgeous musicians, especially the ones that pull at your heartstrings the moment they burst into the chorus and you jizz in your pants. I'm completely in love with music, by the way. And no, I don't actually jizz...usually.

I'll also talk about my opinion on not having an opinion, since I, unfortunately, never seem to have these. I'm too mellow...just go with the flow. Take a chill pill, or even better: a chillaxative.


So the snow delay today was a fail. We had 33 minutes of IB music where we just talked about tv shows, funny yet mildly disturbing Donkey Kong documentaries, Rock Band and how Mr. Murray's son is more musically gifted than his daughter, and the like. Then in English we watched a movie. After, lunch was amazing (as always).

Tyler is so unintentionally hilarious! I'm not laughing at him or anything, but I can't help but double over at the table whenever he speaks. He's just a funny guy, I guess. Some people are born with it, oh how I wish I were one of them...

Then Chamber Choir. It's by far my favorite class. I can't remember what I did with my life before I started singing. Don't take that too literally, I can remember bits and pieces. ;)

So Mr. Murray finally came to his senses and made us only sing some of the Concert Choir songs. When I was in Concert Choir freshman year, I know I was proud of myself and the group. We sang all our own songs, without the assistance of the Chamber Choir. We did a decently good job for the amount of effort we put in, and I knew we would just get better. So then when I got into Chamber Choir the next year I was disappointed to learn that we would be singing all of the Concert Choir's songs. But now it's like a compromise, just some of their repetoire will be covered by us as well. :)

I'm not afraid to say that I teared up when we sang Bridge Over Troubled Water (Yes, Simon and Garfunkel!) Granted, I cry a lot, but it was so moving. And as an added bonus, the sopranos always have the melody. Score! I can't wait to perform our songs, two of them are written by the chordgasmic Eric Whitacre. Yum.

Then Chem...augh. Mr. Bennet must have been in a particularly sucky mood this morning, because there was a lab book due today (yeah, the day after vacation. So lame), so I went in early this morning to ask him for help. He specifically told us to come see him before we passed the book in, so he could check over our work, tell us if we were right or wrong, and give us the information to use on our conclusion section. Well, I would like to say that he was his usual, boring, yet amiable, self (I must've used some of those commas wrong), but he wasn't. I asked him to look over my equation, and he just nodded. So when he left the room I thought he'd be coming right back with an answer sheet, but he never returned.

No, this isn't some crappy folk myth, he just didn't come back from his office, even after me and my lab partner heard him talking to himself in a jovial manner. At first we thought he was talking to another teacher, but reality likes to humor us.

So I guess we didn't do the lab book right, and it's mostly his fault. Oh well, just a silly grade that's not going to affect if I'm a good person in life.

After school I actually got to spend time with my mom, which was wonderful. I hadn't done so in a long time, because she's usually crashed on the coach, on the phone with one of her friends, or wearing this atrocious, green, "sporty" sweater while having lunch with her crew. Yes, in public, how horrifying...

Well, I spent tweleve hours on an English assignment yesterday, so I only got 4 hours of sleep this morning. It's probably time I got to bed. Good night, and pleasant dreams.

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