Sunday, November 14, 2010

The Cookie Quiz

I took it as well, but I don't feel very akin to it, except the first one. haha and probably the last one as well, the not-great-at-execution part haha :) ps I love you all!

You Are Solid and Honest

Your sense of humor is goofy and silly. You try to never hurt people with your jokes.

You are the type of person who is more life smart than book smart. You are creative and intuitive.

You have fun when you're doing something new. You crave novelty and different experiences.

You are an ideas person. You aren't great on execution, but you're good at brainstorming.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

I love my school :)

Friday was pivotal for the functionality of our community. Since the beginning of the school year we've had issues that kept being pushed to the back burner because we never had enough time to discuss them. Gordy, Norah and I took the reins and started a meeting that ran the entire school day to figure out these issues. The students were all for it, and we didn't go to classes at all.

It revamped the student body, and reminded me of how wonderful our school is. We're a democracy, and although there are some students who don't care enough to participate, the majority of us consider TNS our second home and do all we can to make it a better place to learn, to grow, and to simply be.

I'm very excited for the changes in the system we've now implemented, and can't wait to go to school tomorrow! (But I'm always excited for school haha)

Another thing that happened on Friday was my science gateway. I researched the development of the lens throughout history, how our understanding of light influenced our discoveries of the lens, and the harmony of math, science, and technology (and how they all push each other forward). I passed, and although I thought I did a mediocre job, both Nate (the science teacher) and Christine (the English teacher/my advisor) told me I did fabulously and stated that I had presented the best science gateway they had seen. Granted, not very many students have completed a science gateway, but I was still honored. :) Christine also announced I was the first student to complete every gateway! :) :) :) (Persuasive Essay, Applied Mathematics, Science and Technology, and Personal Passion) In that regard, I'm the first new school student to ever get into Phase 3! I'm so excited, I feel like I've actually accomplished something.

All I have to do now to graduate is finish my research paper (about fluoride in the town water) and do my senior project. I'm focusing on alternative methods of healing, especially yoga, polarity therapy, reiki, massage, homeopathy, acupuncture, and the power of herbs, food, water, and tea. I'm going to apprentice with people on Wednesdays, practice Yoga at the school (it's soooo wonderful!) and do my own independent research at home. I feel so wonderful right now, as if all the stress is gone and I can just enjoy my last year of high school. Although I'm quite disappointed that I didn't find out about The New School or the School Around Us sooner, I'm so thankful I found it at all. It's been a life-saver.

So that's just an update of my school year so far. I'm taking some AP level English/History classes, a fun language class (ASL), and a very informative Maine Elections class. I have a free block to get all my senior portfolio shiznit together, and then I use the flex time either in advisory, doing committee work, or in one of the infamous meetings.

By the way, we're having a Harvest Fair on the 23rd that I bet almost no one will show up to, considering everyone and their uncles are having harvest fairs on that day. We're also having a haunted house on the 22nd, which probably won't be as bad because we're not putting a whole bunch of money and effort into.

Ahhhhhh life.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Titles have never been my forte

I've decided to change my favorite quotes on facebook, (however little-sounding that may be) considering they have been the same for about a year, and I haven't talked to any of those people for more than a half hour since then. They still make me laugh, and I still want to remember them, so I've decided to keep them here, like a pensieve.

Speaking of which, it makes me extremely happy to have itunes on shuffle and see a song called "Fluffy's Harp".

"but I thought you got gingivitis when a ginger kisses you..."

"One two buckle my shoe, three four watch a tv show." -My
three year old niece :)

"Hey now, that's what almost destroyed the Cheetah Girls
in the second movie." -Alienor

"No offense Frank but you remind me of Shrek. The ogre."
"As if there was any other Shrek we could possibly be
confused with."

"Did you know that bananas are going extinct?"
"But what about the monkeys?!" - Catey

"It's hotter in here than Satan's womb." -Travis

Kath: If these rocks are cold we could lie on them like
snakes,and they would absorb the heat from our bodies.
Francie: (after feeling the rocks) they aren't really hot
or cold
Kath: oh, so they're neither hither nor thither

"You should get your nose pierced right here."
"A septum piercing, they're so cool! You could be a bull!"
"Well not if it's called THAT, that's like a cross between
septic and rectum." -Cody

Haley: Coalton, crack my back!
Coalton: What do I look like, a psychiatrist?

"And six plus seven, that's like almost 12." -Coalton

"Wait, is Anne Frank the one who didn't get off the bus?"-Cody

Mom: I feel like Gumby, I'm being very mechanical.
Sara: Is Gumby very mechanical?
Mom: Well, no...
Sara: Isn't Gumby the opposite of mechanical?
Mom: The little clay one? Well you know someone has to
move him mechanically...oh man I'm going to wet my

"Wait, is Rumpelstiltskin from the Bible?" -Nick haha

And in its place I shall share a lovely passage from one
of my favorite philosophers:

Now one autumn morning when the wind had blown all
the leaves off the trees in the night,and was trying to blow
the branches off, Pooh and Piglet were sitting in the
Thoughtful Spot and wondering.

I think," said Pooh, "is I think we'll go to Pooh
Corner and see Eeyore, because perhaps his house has
been blown down, and perhaps he'd like us to build it again."

I think," said Piglet, "is I think we'll go and see
Christopher Robin only he won't be there, so we can't."

"Let's go and see
everybody," said Pooh. "Because when
you've been walking in the wind for miles, and you suddenly
go into somebody's house, and he says, 'Hallo,Pooh, you're
just in time for a little smackerel of something,' and you are,
then it's what I call a Friendly Day."

Piglet thought that they ought to have a Reason for going
to see everybody, like Looking for Small or Organizing an
Expotition, if Pooh could think of something.

Pooh could.

"We'll go because it's Thursday," he said, "and we'll go to
wish everybody a Very Happy Thursday. Come on, Piglet."

They got up; and when Piglet had sat down again, because
he didn't know the wind was so strong, and had been
helped up by Pooh, they started off..

They went to Pooh's house first, and luckily Pooh
was at home just as they got there, so he asked them
in, and they had some, and then they went on to Kanga's
house, holding on to each other, and shouting, "isn't it?"
and "What?" and "I can't hear."

By the time they got to Kanga's house they were so
buffeted that they stayed to lunch. Just at first it
seemed rather cold outside afterwards, so they pushed
on to Rabbit's as quickly as they could.

"We've come to wish you a Very Happy Thursday,"
said Pooh, when he had gone in and out once or twice
just to make sure that he
could get out again.

"Why, what's going to happen on Thursday?" asked
Rabbit, and when Pooh had explained, and Rabbit,
whose life was made up of Important Things, said
"Oh, I thought you'd really come about something,"
they sat down for a little ... and by-and-by Pooh and
Piglet went on again. The wind was behind them now,
so they didn't have to shout.

"Rabbit's clever," said Pooh thoughtfully.
"Yes," said Piglet, "Rabbits clever."
"And he has Brain."
"Yes," said Piglet, "Rabbit has Brain."
There was a long silence.
"I suppose," said Pooh, "that that's why he never
understands anything."

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Gee, Officer Krupke, Krup you!

It's such an excellent song! I've been playing it on repeat ever since we got our parts for the musical.

The main male roles were Tony, Riff, and Bernardo, with some small parts to Chino, Officer Krupke, Doc, and the Party Planner. The two main female roles were Maria and Anita, with a small part for Anybodys. It turned out like this:

Tony (main guy)- Gordy
Maria (main girl)- Myself
Riff (leader of the Jets) - Chase
Bernardo (leader of the Sharks)- Chris
Anita (Bernardo's gf/Maria's best friend)- Grace
Chino (Bernardo's best friend)- Coalton
Officer Krupke/Doc/Party Planner- Will (hahaha)
Anybodys (tomboyish girl of the Jets)- Jamie

Gordy wanted to be Bernardo so he wouldn't have to remember as many lines, and Chris wanted to be Tony because he wanted the lead, but Gordy's such a good singer that Deb (the teacher) wouldn't let him have a role with no solos. Jamie really wanted to be Anybodys [a tomboy who wants to be part of the Jets (the white gang), but is picked on because she acts like a man], and Grace wanted to be either Anybodys or Anita, so that left Maria for lil' ole me.

From what I've heard Will is a talented actor, but he claims he can't sing, and we know he can't dance because of his foot surgery. So even though he deserves a big role, he got the extras that don't have to sing and dance. Coalton just wanted to kill someone, so he got Chino, which is funny because Bernardo and Chino are best friends and so are Chris and Coalton. Chase is a pretty good singer, and I'm not sure about his acting abilities, but from what I know I think he'll do well as Riff.

Gordy wants to switch with Chris, but also doesn't want Chris kissing me. Chris doesn't really want to have to kiss Grace, so he wants to switch with Gordy. Boys! haha :) I've never seen Chris act, but he said at one of his old schools he was Romeo, which most likely means he could pull off Tony...if he got over his singing stage fright.

I'm so pumped!! Deb's going to be in Newfoundland next week, and then we have vacation, so we're not going to get our scripts for a while. I can hardly contain myself, and I don't know why. Musical Theater's become my favorite class, mostly because Chris and Coalton are absolutely hilarious. I love Coalton's ADHD, it makes life ten times more wonderful. He's always jumping, running around, doing cartwheels, pretending to have epic sword fights with the coat hanger, and bringing up random topics of conversation that pop into his head at the strangest of times. We could be talking about the tension between the Sharks and the Jets, and he'll ask "Do you think Poseidon ever got raped by a water animal? 'Cause I've seen that on youtube before, those dolphins are horny little mackerels." ("Mackerel", "Riggin'/Rallyin' ", and "Eeeeoooh!" are his most used words, and we hear them about 1234567890 times a day.)

Too bad Musical Theater is the only class that doesn't happen everyday. Oh well, at least it's happening. At first I thought we wouldn't have enough people to do anything, but since Roland's numbers were down ASL wasn't going to be offered, and the majority of the ASL class switched into Musical Theater. I hope Roland's feeling better...

The sunlight's really pretty. On windy days like this I'm reminded of Winnie the Pooh, which makes everything better. :) My Sundays usually consist of rejuvenating my mental health by being by myself. Sometimes I wonder if this is the right thing to do, and other times I thank myself for how little stress I put myself under.

And sometimes, I just need some advice from Winnie the Pooh.
"Don't underestimate the value of Doing Nothing, of just going along, listening to all the things you can't hear, and not bothering."

Sunday, March 28, 2010

I'm so screwed yayayayayayay!!

On Monday Marylyn told us "We're burned out. We didn't leave ourselves anytime to plan Session 3 classes, so we're letting Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday be work days where you don't have to come to school as long as you're doing work at home."

kjbtehuertbkj on Wednesday I thought, "Oh, I have lots of time, I'll just have a fun day of revisiting my childhood with nostalgic video games."

Then Wednesday night I had the idea that Gordy could stay the night on Thursday because we had to go to Augusta Friday morning and he lives really far away, so he could sleep a little later if he stayed with us. I thought he could come over in the afternoon so I could get a little work done in the morning, but the most convenient time for his ride was dropping him off at 10:30 am, so I got no work done at all. I had to wake up early to go to school to wait for Ruth (the math teacher) so she could help me with my math gateway. I waited for an hour and a half and she showed up just as I was walking out the door to leave. Oh well.

Gordy's awesome. :) We got about three and a half hours of sleep Friday morning, woke up at an ungodly hour where it was still dark out, and dressed up for the fancies at the capital building. (and it was snowing. What the hell??)

The reason we had to go to Augusta was because the representatives wanted to meet their respective robotics teams. Ross (our teacher), Gordy, and I were the only ones who went. Most of the other teams had more people, but then again, Gordy and I are like a quarter of our team. haha then when Hannah Pingree (speaker of the house) was saying the teams she forgot us. Later some lady came over and apologized, and after lunch we got pictures with some well-to-do peeps, but other than that it was basically pointless. I had fun talking to Gordy and Ross, though. They're hilarious!

The minute we got back into the Bunk Marylyn made us cook for the local foods dinner. Then I had the recruitment meeting, but I had to leave that one early to go to an admissions meeting. We've accepted our first new kid for next year! And right after that I had to eat noms noms and go to the gym before it closed. Probably one of the busiest days of my life, but it was awesome anyway.

Yesterday I said "Okay, I really have to do my work. The teachers gave us three extra days, I can't just blow it off completely. All I have to write five more pages on my research paper and finish my writing portfolio." I went to the library, got some books, and rushed back home because Marylyn was making us come to school to cook again. We only made about a hundred dollars, but it's better than nothing.

So now I'm wallowing in self pity at how I screwed myself over like usual. bkaweiuoe at least classes start tomorrow, I'm wicked pumped! First block I'm taking Philosophy, second is either going to be Art or King Arthur Through the Ages, third block will be Women's Studies, and fourth block is Musical Theater. :) :) :) I can't decide right now whether to do Art or King Arthur. Christine (the English teacher) said King Arthur's just going to be reading some books and watching lots of movies, because her spring classes are a lot easier than her fall ones. But almost everyone in the art class is really talented, and even though I'd like to get better I'm afraid I'll be the odd one out who never knows what's going on. Such a dilemma!!

But I'm really looking forward to Session 3...if I can get my work done. Philosophy I have with Gordy, and Women's Studies is all girls, which will be such a change from last session. I remember ASL where I was the only girl in the class, and in Robotics it was just me and Rhiannon, but she's Rhiannon, so I was basically the only girl. haha. Having an all girls class will be refreshing. :) Except Rhiannon's in Women's Studies...hahaha

And I can't wait for musical theater! Since we're so small we only have a few choices. We'll probably be doing The Fantasticks. And since I'm either one of or the only girl in the class, I'll probably have a role I don't deserve. But I'll try my best!

The Auction, our biggest money maker (besides your mom), is coming up on April 10th at KHS. It'll be a party!! Last year I won a $50 gift card to a bar and grill. It expired a month ago, but we went there and the manager extended it to March of 2013. Ssccoorree.

I wish I had the super power to do homework asap. That'd be pretty cool.

I hope this gets played at my wedding.

Love and Light everybody!


Sunday, March 21, 2010

El concierto!

All the days are blending together into one big, happy mess. I can't remember the last time I had a bad day. And it's awesome! :)

Everything is good and whole and wonderful. Yesterday was beautiful! Gordy showed me a secret spot by the Pescataqua river and I felt like we were in a movie, or a Kingdom Hearts game...yeah I'm still partially obsessed haha

The March Interlude is going swimmingly! Tomorrow is sort of our last day, then Tuesday's sharing night, Wednesday we have off, and Thursday we start our new classes. It was the perfect break from the classroom, and now I'm ready for Session 3. I wish society wouldn't label me as a bum for going to high school when I'm 20, otherwise I think it'd be amazing to stay at TNS a little longer. It's really hard to graduate in two years! Most kids can graduate in four years but some of them have to take five. I have to pass four gateways, have all my roundtables, and complete my senior project. But that's alright, at least I'll have my super senior year! :)

I don't know when our anniversary is, but when I asked Gordy how long we've been together he answered, "Well, if you're talking about the first time you kissed me, that'd be February 22nd at 11:04 pm." (which is absolutely adorable :]) But we've been such good friends for a long time now, it feels like our connection is so much stronger. Because love without friendship isn't love, not to me, at least.

Since I've been driving to York and Eliot so much lately Dad got me a GPS, because I always get lost and he's overprotective. I haven't thought of a name yet, I'm not even sure if it's a boy or girl. That was pointless to say, pretend you didn't read that.

In retrospect, most of this was like the fluff that turns to dust and is thoughtlessly swept from the mind. I apologize.

Soooo there's a Cobra Starship/3OH!3 concert in Boston on May 9th...and guess who's six months will be up by then?? I feel like my dad wouldn't let me go to a concert without an adult, but there's always hope. Anyone in? :) :) :)

Monday, February 1, 2010

Loooooong day

Granted, I had a lot of fun, but it went on forever! (like your mom)

Got to school at about 8:40-ish. A little late, but that happens every Monday.

Food class was hilarious as usual, my book group is just Gordy, Noah, and myself. When those two are together it's just non-stop laughter. I love dem, even if Noah smells. :) haha

Towards the end of class, Chris starts talking about how he wants to punch Connor. He said he and Connor argued earlier about whether or not you can drink your own piss. (Connor said you couldn't, Chris said you could before it turned into ammonia, and I believe you can up to seven times before it becomes toxic for your body, so I was kinda on Chris's he's just a lot chiller.)

Connor starts yelling from God knows where, screaming "No you can't!". Chris just shrugs and says "Okay, crybaby!" Then third block was about to start, and I decided to boil some water to make tea. I was walking with Gordy to the kitchen, and when we were about ten feet away Chris comes out and lightly shoves Connor, and all hell broke lose. Connor immediately put Chris in a headlock and shoved him against the cubbies. Chris was flexing but didn't lay a finger on Connor, even saying "I'm not going to hit you." Nate the teacher then rushed out of the science room and broke up the fight. The only people who saw it were Haley and Nick (who had been making out prior to the fight) and Gordy and I.

Both Chris and Connor were in the wrong. After solutions someone stated "Chris needs to leave", but I don't think we could do that. Not really. He's a cool guy, just a little rough around the edges and slightly more obnoxious than the average person. He's been kicked out of both Noble and Sanford, which doesn't surprise me, but he doesn't deserve to be expelled from TNS as well. We can't just let him be a drop out. Connor's gonna be gone soon anyway, he's going to South Carolina to presumably do his senior project.

Flora's going to have her baby any second now, so why she's actually showing up to school I have no idea, but she's not teaching. She just chills, goes to adviosry/meetings, helps out. For a pregnant lady she does a crap-ton of work. She never even asks for help when she's carrying stuff. She's such a cool gal! We're throwing her a party on Friday, and the decoration committee gave me their list of things to make the big room look festive. It included "Fetuses", "Gordon in diaper", and "Ewwww babies". Earlier Marylyn had gone beyond creepy when she suggested we decorate with "Hanging babies". bahaha I love her

Flora's taking us to Augusta on Thursday. I'm nervous that her water'll break and she'll make us have the baby in the van. She wants to have the baby at her house, not the hospital, so I would have no idea what to do in that situation. I just hope she makes it 'til then. haha Instead of Public Policy, we went to Christine's room and chilled with her Writing Workshop. Amandajean showed up, so hopefully this is the start of a new age for her. :) This morning she wasn't there yet and Landon said "Well that was a short lived victory." haha

In Creative Writing we read these creepy but reallly awesome stories about fairy tales being altered and told differently. When we were brainstorming fairy tales we talked about Cain and Abel, and how the only people who knew the story were those who had seen Year One. haha

Then we talked about Rumpelstiltskin, and the transition got Nick confused, so he asked "Wait, is Rumpelstiltskin from the Bible?" hahaha he's so awesome. :) Nick's definitely one of my favorite people in the school.

Then in Solutions we actually had two cases (some drama's goin' down at TNS), but they were just about kids using cell phones. Rhiannon acts defensive whenever she's in the wrong, and it makes her seem more childish than she really is. It's a little immature of her, and I really wish she would take more responsibility, but that's just a part of growing up. She is only 15, after all.

After that I cleaned and went to Nick's roundtable. It's the third senior roundtable I've attended in the last week, and they're all almost two hours long. I get so tired just sitting there, and although at the time I wish I could be in robotics, I'm glad I'm preparing myself for what I have to do next year. Jenna's going to intern at a zoo in Colorado for a month, Cody's going to teach the wilderness survival for the March Interlude, and Nick's going to make a book about plastic and pollution/garbage. Nick's plan really inspired me to create something beautiful, but alas, I didn't have time today. Maybe tomorrow!

I got to spend a half and hour at robotics, and then I went home for a few minutes to quickly grab some din-din before the All School Meeting. The meeting was actually interesting for once. We talked about the Auction coming up in April (just ten weeks away!), the van we're buying for a dollar, charter schools, recruiting students (we need to get another 15-20 for next year because we never have money haha), and the March Interlude!

I don't believe I've explained the March Interlude. It's March 1st-24th-ish. We decided it was going to be about survival, so the first couple of days we'll be learning about first aid and other useful skills, then that Thursday through Saturday is the robotics competition!!! I'm super stoked, it's gonna be so sick, even if I have to sleep in a room with just Rhiannon. :/

There are five options for the interlude. Wilderness, WWOOF (World-Wide Workers on Organic Farms), Urban, Documentary, and Senior Project. The majority of the kids are camping in the Wilderness with Cody, some are going down to Delaware with Marylyn to work on a farm, and a couple kids are going to live in the city (and be homeless for a little while) with Ross. I'm documenting! It worked out perfectly, there were three of us, and we all wanted to document different things. I'm gonna follow Cody and company around for the first part of the interlude then head back to TNS and make a film with Nate, Landon, and Christine with the footage we got. This means that soon I actually have to learn how to use a video camera...haha

I'm wicked pumped for March. Robotics plus the interlude's gonna be BALLIN.

haha I like using ballin and baller as adjectives, because they don't make sense. At all. Like, how did that actually happen?

After the meeting I went to the gym and got home a little after 9. It was crazy, but I love it. Gah I can't get over how much I love my school. :) :) :)

Hope everyone had a wonderful day!!!