Monday, August 23, 2010

Titles have never been my forte

I've decided to change my favorite quotes on facebook, (however little-sounding that may be) considering they have been the same for about a year, and I haven't talked to any of those people for more than a half hour since then. They still make me laugh, and I still want to remember them, so I've decided to keep them here, like a pensieve.

Speaking of which, it makes me extremely happy to have itunes on shuffle and see a song called "Fluffy's Harp".

"but I thought you got gingivitis when a ginger kisses you..."

"One two buckle my shoe, three four watch a tv show." -My
three year old niece :)

"Hey now, that's what almost destroyed the Cheetah Girls
in the second movie." -Alienor

"No offense Frank but you remind me of Shrek. The ogre."
"As if there was any other Shrek we could possibly be
confused with."

"Did you know that bananas are going extinct?"
"But what about the monkeys?!" - Catey

"It's hotter in here than Satan's womb." -Travis

Kath: If these rocks are cold we could lie on them like
snakes,and they would absorb the heat from our bodies.
Francie: (after feeling the rocks) they aren't really hot
or cold
Kath: oh, so they're neither hither nor thither

"You should get your nose pierced right here."
"A septum piercing, they're so cool! You could be a bull!"
"Well not if it's called THAT, that's like a cross between
septic and rectum." -Cody

Haley: Coalton, crack my back!
Coalton: What do I look like, a psychiatrist?

"And six plus seven, that's like almost 12." -Coalton

"Wait, is Anne Frank the one who didn't get off the bus?"-Cody

Mom: I feel like Gumby, I'm being very mechanical.
Sara: Is Gumby very mechanical?
Mom: Well, no...
Sara: Isn't Gumby the opposite of mechanical?
Mom: The little clay one? Well you know someone has to
move him mechanically...oh man I'm going to wet my

"Wait, is Rumpelstiltskin from the Bible?" -Nick haha

And in its place I shall share a lovely passage from one
of my favorite philosophers:

Now one autumn morning when the wind had blown all
the leaves off the trees in the night,and was trying to blow
the branches off, Pooh and Piglet were sitting in the
Thoughtful Spot and wondering.

I think," said Pooh, "is I think we'll go to Pooh
Corner and see Eeyore, because perhaps his house has
been blown down, and perhaps he'd like us to build it again."

I think," said Piglet, "is I think we'll go and see
Christopher Robin only he won't be there, so we can't."

"Let's go and see
everybody," said Pooh. "Because when
you've been walking in the wind for miles, and you suddenly
go into somebody's house, and he says, 'Hallo,Pooh, you're
just in time for a little smackerel of something,' and you are,
then it's what I call a Friendly Day."

Piglet thought that they ought to have a Reason for going
to see everybody, like Looking for Small or Organizing an
Expotition, if Pooh could think of something.

Pooh could.

"We'll go because it's Thursday," he said, "and we'll go to
wish everybody a Very Happy Thursday. Come on, Piglet."

They got up; and when Piglet had sat down again, because
he didn't know the wind was so strong, and had been
helped up by Pooh, they started off..

They went to Pooh's house first, and luckily Pooh
was at home just as they got there, so he asked them
in, and they had some, and then they went on to Kanga's
house, holding on to each other, and shouting, "isn't it?"
and "What?" and "I can't hear."

By the time they got to Kanga's house they were so
buffeted that they stayed to lunch. Just at first it
seemed rather cold outside afterwards, so they pushed
on to Rabbit's as quickly as they could.

"We've come to wish you a Very Happy Thursday,"
said Pooh, when he had gone in and out once or twice
just to make sure that he
could get out again.

"Why, what's going to happen on Thursday?" asked
Rabbit, and when Pooh had explained, and Rabbit,
whose life was made up of Important Things, said
"Oh, I thought you'd really come about something,"
they sat down for a little ... and by-and-by Pooh and
Piglet went on again. The wind was behind them now,
so they didn't have to shout.

"Rabbit's clever," said Pooh thoughtfully.
"Yes," said Piglet, "Rabbits clever."
"And he has Brain."
"Yes," said Piglet, "Rabbit has Brain."
There was a long silence.
"I suppose," said Pooh, "that that's why he never
understands anything."